Sunday, January 26, 2020

Theories of Job Satisfaction

Theories of Job Satisfaction Literature Review Within the literature, one of the first definitions of job satisfaction were described by (Hoppock, 1935), when he defined the construct as being any number of psychological, physiological, and environmental circumstances which leads a person to express satisfaction with their job. It was suggested by Locke (1969) that job satisfaction was a positive or pleasurable reaction resulting from the appraisal of ones job, job achievement, or job experiences. Meanwhile, Vroom (1982) defined job satisfaction as workers emotional orientation toward their current job roles. Similarly, Schultz (1982) stated that job satisfaction is essentially the psychological disposition of people toward their work. Siegal and Lane (1982) stated simply that job satisfaction is an emotional response defining the degree to which people like their job. Finally, Lofquist and Davis (1991) defined job satisfaction as an individuals positive affective reaction of the target environment. Employees satisfaction with their work and a constructive and positive outlook of the organization, combined with relatively broad and sophisticated human resources management practices are highly imperative predictors of the potential productivity of companies (Lofquist and Davis (1991). Likewise, these factors appear much more important in predicting consequent productivity than viable and ready for action strategy, managerial emphasis on quality, technological sophistication, or emphasis on research and development. People are our most important asset is not just a managements tired expression. It is a pressing polemic which managers pay no heed to the costs of their shareholders and stakeholders. Involving not just the existing workforce in managerial levels and functions is important, but now its extremely vital to make sure that the new inductees are well informed and well treated to make them feel satisfied with their jobs. The definition of job satisfaction has visibly evolved through the decades, but most versions share the belief that job satisfaction is a work-related positive affective reaction. There seems to be less consistency when talking about the causes of job satisfaction. Wexley and Yukl (1984) stated that job satisfaction is influenced by many factors, including personal traits and characteristics of the job. Early traditional theories suggested that a single bipolar continuum, with satisfaction on one end and dissatisfaction on the other, could be used to conceptualize job satisfaction. Later revisions of the theory included a two-continuum model that placed job satisfaction on the first scale and job dissatisfaction on the second (Brown, 1998). These later theories focused more on the presence or absence of certain intrinsic and extrinsic job factors that could determine ones satisfaction level. Intrinsic factors are based on personal perceptions and internal feelings, and include factor s such as recognition, advancement, and responsibility. These factors have been strongly linked to job satisfaction according to ODriscoll and Randall (1999). Extrinsic factors are external job related variables that would include salary, supervision, and working conditions. These extrinsic factors have also been found to have a significant influence on job satisfaction levels according to Martin and Schinke (1998). To better understand these employee and job characteristics and their relationship to job satisfaction, various theories have emerged and provided the vital framework for future job satisfaction studies. Job Satisfaction Theories: Range of Affect Theory by Edwin A. Locke (1976), is possibly the most known and famous job satisfaction model. The main principle of this presumption is that satisfaction is dogged by a discrepancy involving what one wants in his job and what one has in his job. Further more, the theory suggests that the amount of value one gives to a certain facet of his work, for instance the level of autonomy and discretion in a position, justifies how satisfied or dissatisfied one tends to get when expectations are or are not met. When a person gives value to a particular part of his job, his satisfaction is greatly impacted in both ways: positive and negative, in comparison to a person who doesnt value that facet that much. Dispositional Theory, another renowned and well-publicized job satisfaction theory, suggests that people have inborn dispositions that encompasses in them tendencies toward a particular level of satisfaction, despite ones job (Heller, 2002). The idea that people who are happy in life are happy in their job is the basic underlying principle of this theory. This technique became a distinguished and worth noting rationalization of job satisfaction in light of proof that job satisfaction stays stable over time and from careers and jobs. Core Self-evaluations Model, proposed by Timothy A. Judge (1998), narrowed and shrunk the scope of the Dispositional Theory. Judge protested that there were four Core Self-Evaluations that decides ones disposition towards job satisfaction: self-esteem, general self-efficacy, locus of control, and neuroticism. This model suggests that greater levels of self-esteem and general self-efficacy (the trust and belief in ones own skills and competence) lead to a higher level of work satisfaction. Having an internal locus of control, meaning to believe in one having control over herhis own life, instead of outside forces having a control, leads to greater job satisfaction. As per an article by Brookes, 1995 and another by Liljander and Strandvik, 1997, expectancy-disconfirmation theory has said to be the dominant model for assessing satisfaction. According to this model, the cognitive confirmation (or disconfirmation) of expectations of service as compared with perceptions of the actual service performance determines satisfaction (Danaher and Haddrell, 1996). However, according to Yu and Dean (2001), just focusing the cognitive component of satisfaction and relatively neglecting the emotional component can lead to an inadequate and improper understanding of the concept of satisfaction. To address the subject further, Cronin (2003) have labeled emotion as a core attribute in satisfaction and suggested that models of satisfaction should include a separate emotional component. There was a time whilst emotions in the workplace were considered significant in association to employees interests and job satisfaction only (Weiss and Cropanzano, 1996). In latest years, companies have realized that emotions of employees are always persistent in the workplace. The emotions are not merely a deep-rooted part of work life but have an essential part to play in an individuals job performance. An employees sentiments and emotions, and on the whole his personality and character have a significant effect on his job performance, decision making capabilities, team spirit, leadership and yields. It is assumed that employees bring their feelings and attributes related to fury, fear, love or respect with them when they arrive to work. An employees emotions are vital and essential to what occurs in an organization. Emotions matter a lot because they drive and control ones performance (Fisher D., 2000). Emotions at work place, normally, are divided into two categories: 1) positive (good) and 2) negative (bad) emotions (Fisher D., 2000). Positive sentiments or emotions are those feelings of a person that are favorable to the achievement of organizational goals, mean while negative emotions are supposed to be disparaging for the organization. To classify them even more, emotions can be sorted out as distinct, dispositional and as moods. Distinct or discrete emotions replicate temporary emotions like anger, fear, joy and disgust which take place from the occurrence of a particular occasion; while dispositional describes an employees overall approach and perception towards life like cheerful, negative, etc. Moods, on the other hand, sustain for a longer period of time as compared to discrete emotions. Emotions manipulate the assignment on which an employee is working, the pains and hard work he puts and how he manipulates other employees around him (Pugliesi, 1999). To put it in other words, what employees experience/feel and how they communicate their emotions affects their performance. Studies have publicized that positive mood directs to better and competent decision making (Babin and Griffin, 1998). Nevertheless, this doesnt indicate that decisions taken in a negative mood are unsettling and disruptive. Studies, moreover, have found that negative or bad sentiments can direct towards more effective making of decisions. Negative emotions, at times, may lead to more rigorous, detailed, and logical processing of the facts. Hence, it is important for managers (supervisors) to keep in mind the requirements, needs, and feelings of their subordinates when involving them in any managerial function. As even the slightest error, could disrupt the job satisfaction of the employees (Babin and Griffin, 1998). Many managerial practices have the potential to manage employee behavior and responses in ways that improve service quality and their performance. Several suggestions have appeared in the literature. Hartline and Ferrell (1996) have emphasized the importance of training employees, arguing that those companies that train their employees sufficiently will have employees who are more motivated, more knowledgeable, more skilled, and thereby more confident in performing their job. Training the employees is also a way of conveying to them the message that they are important for the organization and the higher authorities are interested in investing in them. Organizational development is always powered by human knowledge, capabilities and skills. That is why contemporary and modern organizations pay more and more consideration to the development of their employees. Therefore, employee education and training are becoming a most favorable answer to the intricate and multifaceted business chal lenges and dimensions, and the management of human resources is taking a vital role in modern management. Throughout the progression of employee training and development, the management of human resources furnishes constant knowledge innovation, creates circumstances for mutual knowledge, and experience exchange upbeat and proactive behavior, in this way contributing to viable advantage and satisfaction of all members in business procedures. Most studies have defined, conceptualized, and measured managerial practices from the perspective of management (Forrester, 2000). However, Babakus et al. (2003) have noted that managements desires and good intentions do not mean much unless employees perceived them as such. It is reasonable and sensible, then, to take an employees perspective, as it is both important and valuable. To accommodate the shortcomings of previous studies, the present study defines managerial practices from an employees perspective. Based on Bagozzis (1992) attitude theory, managerial practices are defined as employees cognitive appraisal of the practices of their managers. The focus of this study is limited to four aspects of a managers practice or function, i.e. planning, organizing, controlling, and motivating. This study assumes that these four practices are fundamental aspects of managerial practices. It is worth mentioning that Pfeffers (1994) list of best managerial practice emphasizes motivating em ployees with the help of rewards and recognition as highly important aspects or facets of managerial practice. In the light of this study, it is assumed and well justified that employees cognitive appraisal of managerial functions have an effect on positive or negative emotions. Each function of a manager would be taken up individually to enlighten how and in what manner it effects an employees job satisfaction. This analysis would solely be based on the perspective of employees, how they take their supervisors and how their supervisors actions and practices affect their levels of job satisfaction. Effect of Planning on Employees: For managers, planning is the procedure of formulating strategies for accomplishment and success, designing goals and objectives for their organization and the development of courses of action depended on their strategy (Mondy, 1992). Its highly important that when managers exercise this function, they involve their subordinates along with them, delegate them authority and tasks to do it on their own. Forrester (2000) has emphasized empowerment as a key feature of managerial practices that lead to organizations effectiveness. By delegating the employees the freedom and ability to make decisions and commitments, a manager can anticipate a positive effect on employees productivity. Tschohl (1998) has offered the same explanation for the success of firms, and more recently, Liu (2006) has suggested that effective managerial practice for organizations should not only be constrained to delegating authority but should also include involving employees in defining and developing of vision statements. He suggests that one result of this kind of involvement leads to employees being satisfied and more willing to summon the effort required to provide a higher standard of work and service. Other suggestions for managerial practices can be found in the literature by Alexandrov et al., 2007; Babakus et al., 2003; Chebat et al., 2003; Rogg et al., 2001; Tornow and Wiley, 2002. Effect of Organizing on Employees: Organizing too is a managerial function that takes into consideration the development an organizational structure and allocation of human resources to guarantee the successful accomplishment of goals and objectives (Mondy, 1992). The makeup and constitute of an organization is a framework within which attempts are coordinated. The structure is more often than not depicted by an organization chart, which offers a graphic demonstration of the hierarchy of power and command within a particular organization (Megginson, 1992). Once plans have been prepared, the organizing function mostly answers the query of, how work will be divided and carried out (Mondy, 1992). This means that the manager defines a variety of job duties and groups them into separate areas, units, sections or teams. The manager must state the duties, allocate them, and, then also give his subordinates the power and authority they need to accomplish their tasks. Organizing, in addition, involves the design of separate jobs inside the organization. Decisions ought to be made regarding the responsibilities and duties of individual jobs, with the behavior in which the duties are supposed to be passed out (Megginson, 1992). Effect of Controlling on Employees: Controlling is all about making sure that performance does not deviate and move away from standards and requirements (Mondy, 1992). Controlling comprises of three steps, which are (1) establishing performance standards for all the employees to follow, (2) comparing actual performance against the set standards, and (3) taking corrective action whenever needed and when necessary. Performance standards most of the times are stated and declared in monetary terms such as costs, revenues, or profits but may possibly be stated in other terms as well, for instance in number of units produced, number of defective and useless products, or levels of quality or customer service. Similarly, the measurement of performance can also be done in other several ways; it can depend on the performance standards, financial statements, annual or quarterly sales reports, production results and stats, customer satisfaction or complaints, and formal performance appraisals and evaluations. Managers at all levels of their career employ themselves in the managerial practice or function of controlling to a certain extent, and the manner in which they apply that control says a lot about the kind of manager they are. Findings by Holden (1958), Simmons (1959), and Seiler and Bartlett (1982) suggested that there is always an association between a managers locus of control with his preference and liking for a particular supervisory style. This notion was also supported by Goodstadt and Hjelle (1973). Holden (1958) and Simmons (1959) also found a link between the personality changes in a manger and his level of control on his subordinates, while Seiler and Bartlett (1982) revealed that authoritarian managers have a liking for budgetary systems that are more inflexible and rigid and exhibits comparatively lower levels of participation. The managerial function of controlling must not be mixed up or confused with control in behavioral or scheming terms. This function does not suggest that managers ought to attempt and try to control or to manipulate the people, values, attributes, or emotions of their subordinates, be it new or old. As an alternative, this function of management concerns and takes into account the managers role in taking essential actions to make sure that all the activities related to work of new subordinates are consistent and in accordance with and contributing toward the attainment of organizational and departmental objectives (Megginson, 1992). According to Nicholas J. Di (1974), subordinates hold positive attitude towards supervisors who prefer teamwork over individual work, provides freedom to the individual to pursue his own interests as well as keeping some degree of control through rules, procedures. Successful controlling necessitates the usage of plans, as planning supplies the much needed performance standards or objectives. Controlling also requires an apparent understanding of where responsibility for variations from standards lies. Even though controlling is more often than not thought of in terms of financial measures, managers should also control other dimensions like production and operations processes, procedures for delivery and availability of services, compliance with and acceptance of company policies, and several other activities within the thresholds of a particular organization. Effect of Motivating on Employees: Employees who receive positive reinforcement and productive criticism from managers show signs of changes. Employee satisfaction is an important aspect of business. Employees wish to work for companies who value and encourage their workforce and human resources (Organ, 1988). It has been revealed in past literature that satisfied and motivated employees increase profits and that they show increased productivity with improvements in an organization. Improvements can be made on varying levels including policy changes, managerial changes, or communication changes to name a few. The study of managerial influence on worker satisfaction is in need of expansion (Richmond, McCroskey, Davis, 1982). Previous research has demonstrated that the practice of rewarding is important for at least two reasons. First, a reward has a motivating effect on employees to do what managers expect of them. Second, rewarding practices can stimulate employees to deliver high-quality service and performance (Richmond, McCroskey, Davis, 1982). An empirical study by Bowen and Johnston (1999) presents a worth while example of the value of managerial reward practices. Focusing on factors contributing to employees ability to handle difficult situations, their study demonstrated that the practice of rewarding motivated employees not only to see to their work in general but also to handle the arising problems in a proper manner. Clearly, this study illustrates the importance of managerial reward practices for enhancing employee-performance quality. Further more, investigations and consideration on the concept of reward practices often disclose that it is vital that the employees themselves recognize the reward practices as being fair (cf. Livingstone et al., 1995). In other words, the reward practice must be fair in order to encourage motivation on the part of the employees to deliver excellent work performance. Based on this reasoning, the current study defines reward practices as fairness in rewards allocation, i.e. the employees perception that they have been fairly and reasonably rewarded given their responsibilities, job effort, and performance (Organ, 1988). Limitations of Previous Researches: Among the inspections and examinations of the effect of managerial practices, the majority of studies have taken only the managerial perspective. This focus and consideration on managers has left a gap in the knowledge of managerial practices from an employees perspective and point of view (Forrester, 2000). Though recent studies and researches do aim to capture and analyze what and how employees perceive their managers and their working environment, a lot about how employees, and especially new employees, take their supervisors practices is still untouched. This research aims to touch upon that unexplored territory and bring forth an employees perception and his feelings towards his level of job satisfaction. Managerial Implications: This study, as mentioned earlier, directs its research on finding out how new employees feel when they are involved in a certain managerial function by their supervisor and how each function affects their job satisfaction. Managerial practices are complex observable facts. Many factors are expected to be present that both impede and interact with each other. As Babakus et al. (2003) have noted, earlier researches on the effect of managerial practices are limited because they were characteristically and on an average studied in isolation. In contrast, this study tries to explore the effect of the simultaneous effect of managerial practices/functions (planning, controlling, organizing and motivating) on employees satisfaction. This would provide insights to managers as to how they should go about treating their new subordinates, and how each function the way its carried out- would have an impact on their level of job satisfaction. Its highly important for the managers/supervisors of today to forecast the needs of their subordinates, be it new or old, as they are the ones who would eventually effect the over all performance of an organization. When the job satisfaction of employees (subordinates) is given importance and is catered to in the right way, it not only motivates the newly hired subordinates to give their best but also helps in retaining them for a longer period of time.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Leadership and Teamwork

I used to be a varsity player in high school and as in every group or team, we have our set of arguments as well. One time, two of my team mates were arguing about â€Å"being too irresponsible of not passing the ball to the other† versus â€Å"not passing the ball because the other one usually loses the ball in passing†, consequently leading to countless turnovers, as well as, losing the opportunity to make points of course. Our game was already about to start but still they were still arguing over our previous games and the mistakes that we committed. Nobody would just give in, so I took the opportunity to lead them to a good, nice, and smooth conversation. I assisted them in communicating well instead of scolding them both. I told them they should be achievement-oriented and focus on our current game instead of going over the past time and again. I also portrayed a very good example when the situation was incontrollable and one is most likely to get mad. They saw this and realized they should not have done what they did. These two people are extremely good players if only their emotions will not affect them. We won that day simply because their arguments were settled soon enough because of the influence of a very good leader. We also won because there was ‘teamwork’. Personal Sense of Leadership and Teamwork I have a â€Å"sense of teamwork†, of course. This is where roles are established, meaning functions, authority, accountability, and priorities are extremely considered and focused on making it easy to attain goals effectively (Teamwork, n.d.). No doubt, I have a â€Å"sense of leadership† as well. I strongly believe that a leader should be exceedingly good in communication (Clark, 1997). A classic example of a leader who happens to be extraordinary and brilliant in terms of communication is someone: 1) who speaks to people as they are; 2) who shows originality instead of emulating someone else’s style; 3) who presents himself as his/her own person; and 4) who does his/her best to understand what others say, meaning, he/she who also try to walk in someone else’s shoes, instead of merely listening to how people articulate things (Clark, 1997). Yet another example is this: A leader will listen and try to understand an employee’s explanation as to why he/she was absent, instead of just merely listening but will not try to be considerate and punish the employee immediately after (Clark, 1997). Allow me to reiterate that, â€Å"Communication is one of the most needed characteristic if one is to become a leader† (Clark, 1997). For instance, † If you exhibit rudeness to your members/subordinates, for sure, you will never have the credibility that you ought to have to be respected and if you do not know how to communicate properly, you will never be able to attain being a leader† (Clark, 1997). This is why when I lead I articulate myself properly and never in a rude manner (Clark, 1997). I also believe that a leader should consistently guide the team members (Clark, 1997). For example, I should guide the members to become achievement-oriented as well (Clark, 1997). It may be carried out through the following: 1) I should set challenges for followers to pursue; 2) I should show confidence in the   members’ ability to meet their expectation and perform at their highest level; 3) I should guide a member who suffers from a lack of job challenge; 4) I should provide followers an idea as to what are expected of them and how to perform their tasks especially if the member of the team asked for it; 5) I should be approachable and accommodating enough to enhance the confidence of members etc; as well as 6) I should incorporate the member’s suggestions, if any, into the final decision (Clark, 1997). I keep myself aware of the importance of having the heart to be open to my followers (Clark, 1997). In addition to the aforementioned, I also believe that I should inspire trust instead of being dependent on â€Å"control† (Clark, 1997). I should know that â€Å"a group leader, for instance, should not always direct his or her member on what to do, he or she should have full confidence on the members and will just get back to them when they are ready with the results instead of supervising members from time to time and nagging them on what is morally wrong or right or even what systematic process to choose etc† (Clark, 1997).Trust, is a very important characteristic of a leader, this way the members of the team will be more inspired to work as a group since their leader has full confidence on them (Clark, 1997). References Clark, D. (1997). Leadership. Retrieved October 5, 2007 from Teamwork. (n.d.) Retrieved October 5, 2007   

Friday, January 10, 2020

Greed, Need and Money, Walter Williams Essay

In the article entitled, Greed, Need and Money, Walter Williams presents his take on the economics and logic of keeping CEOs highly paid. He essentially argues that these huge â€Å"golden parachutes† and corporate salaries are justified by return that these companies get in return. Just because a CEO gets a high salary does not mean that he does not deserve it or do anything to help the company recover that value. By comparing this to a simple supply and demand model, Walter Williams is able to show that the reason the salaries are so high is because the demand is high as well and supply is pretty scarce. One manner by which the mention of the word greed can be applied to the economic lessons that have been discussed is to juxtapose this to the application of greed as an economic theory. Greed can be said to be the primal instinct for self-preservation of people. In an attempt to protect one’s self, man seeks only to pursue his individual interests without care for the well-being of others. In relation to economics, this pursuit of individual interests is greed or the pursuit of economic self-interests, otherwise known as individual wealth accumulation. Greed as a driving force is not an entirely new concept as it was originally part of the Invisible Hand theory introduced by Adam Smith. The basic precept of the invisible hand is that in a free market a person who chooses to be greedy and pursue his own interests in invariably also furthering the good of the entire community. A perfect example is in a situation where a person seeks to maximize his personal profits in total disregard of other factors. By applying the Invisible Hand theory of Adam Smith, it can be shown that when the total revenue of society is calculated this becomes identical to the summation of the individual revenues of every member of that society. In order to arrive at a better understanding of how greed, which is a key concept under the Invisible Hand Theory, both drives and regulates capitalist markets, it is essential to have a brief discussion of the basic supply and demand model. This is because production is driven by the willingness of the seller to supply and the basic goal of every seller is to increase profits (greed). This can be understood from two approaches, however, the first being profit maximization through an increase in the volume of units sold (assuming ceteris paribus) and the second being profit maximization through a decrease in the cost of the factors of production which in turn increases the profit margins per unit sold. The basic supply-demand model becomes critical in this understanding because under the market model sales will only willingly occur at the equilibrium point. The price level of a good essentially is determined by the point at which quantity supplied equals quantity demanded. The law of supply and demand predicts that the price level will move toward the point that equalizes quantities supplied and demanded. Greed is crucial in this sense because it is the basic assumption or behavior under this model. Without greed, there would be no drive for the individuals in society to pursue their own self-interests. The absence of this driving mechanism would mean that there will be no individual revenues and thus leading to the failure of the community revenue to equalize with its summation. This basically means that society’s scarce resources become more efficiently allocated through the regulatory nature of greed in capitalist markets. While the Invisible Hand theory has already been rejected as an acceptable economic model by the works of John Maynard Keynes and Milton Friedman, the more complex markets of today have shown that the pursuit of self-interests, while natural of human behavior, must be regulated by external systems in order to ensure a more equitable and efficient allocation of resources. This means that greed is not necessarily good in today’s current economic situation. As used in this discussion and in the article, this greed may not only be the effect of supply and demand but the pursuits of an individual’s self-interests for the improvement of the economic system.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Obesity Is Prevalent Between Children And Adolescents In

Obesity is prevalent between children and adolescents in the United States. Obesity is the second leading cause of death after smoking in the US. It also causes cancer, and it is associated with unhealthy eating and less exercise or physical activity. The concerns of childhood and adolescent obesity include earlier puberty and menarche in girls, type 2 diabetes and increased rate of the metabolic disease in adolescence and adults. Therefore, the rate of obesity has increased in the American children in the last three years. The type 2 diabetes causes anticipated debilitating cardiovascular comorbidities. Some of the children have type 2 diabetes, which leads to dyslipidemia. Therefore, type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a major public health†¦show more content†¦There are two main factors leading to obesity such as poor nutrition and inadequate physical activity. Moreover, evidence based diabetes prevention programs focus on promoting a healthy lifestyle, healthy eating habits and physical activities. Also, children stay on TV, computers, and video games. These are factors which lead to an increase in diabetes, insufficient access to the right diabetes prevention and management programs, and inadequate healthcare. Obesity is a high risk factor for type 2-diabetes. In recent years, the number of children between the ages of 6-11 years suffering from being overweight doubled and in the age range from 12 to 19 years old***(.2010). Obesity spread from adults to adolescents. It effects a lot of children in the USA because of health care costs and poorer lifestyles. Commonly, cardiovascular screening is recommended for teens, particularly in people with a family record of cardiovascular conditions. Children and youth were once considered to be at low hazard, but with the growing health concerns associated with sedentary life-style, negative eating regimens and weight problems, cardiovascular issues are increasing. Parents should encourage eating fruit and vegetables. Additionally, parents should encourage children to watch 2 hours of TV a day. Parents must remove televisions and computers from bedrooms. One articleShow MoreRelatedDoes Counseling Help Children with Issues of Obesity? Obesity in children is an epidemic that700 Words   |  3 PagesDoes Counseling Help Children with Issues of Obesity? Obesity in children is an epidemic that continues to be a serious problem in our nation. Over the past thirty years, childhood obesity rates in the United States have tripled, and currently, approximately one in three children in the U.S. are overweight or obese. 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